Directions for Elsa:
- First for Elsa's hairstyles. Begin the hairstyle by brushing out all of your hair. We are going to be working with the hair quite a lot so we want to ensure there are no knots or tangles.
- Parting your hair to one side, brush over the remaining hair, so that all of your hair is now falling down one of your shoulders. Spray the side that doesn't have all of the hair with a little bit of hairspray for stability.
- Next we will begin the twist that comes down the side of Elsa's head. Gather a pretty decent size of hair at the top of your head, where bangs would be. Begin twisting the hair away from your face. Only twist it a few times, then stop. Don't twist this too tight, because you want there to still be a little volume at the top of your head.
- Add another smaller section of hair, from right below where you grabbed the first section of hair, to that twist, and twist them together. Repeat these steps of adding hair and twisting until you reach all the way down below your ear, and to the base of your neck.
- Take the hair that you have incorporated into the twist, and bring it over to the other side of your shoulder. Wrap the section of hair that is twisted, around the section of hair that is not, almost as if you were creating a pony tail holder with it.
- Twist the hair while you wrap it into the bun shape. You will need to use bobby pins to pin the bun into place as you continue to twist it. Make sure you secure the ends tightly and hide all small pieces of hair sticking out.
- Taking the remaining hair that isn't in a bun shape, you can begin twisting that just like you did with the first section of hair.
- Wrap it right around the outside of the bun you have already made, to create a more fuller looking bun. You will also need to pin this with bobby pins as you work it around.
- For the finishing touches, a little bit of hairspray will make sure the hairstyle stays all day long.

- Elsa's sister Anna's hair is similar in the fact that it is a bun, but the steps taken to achieve it are very different, but you must follow the same first step which is to brush out all of your hair.
- Start by taking a section of hair, right above her eyebrows, and bring it back over the top of your head. Brush it out so you don't have any huge bumps. Secure the hair with a small elastic that matches you hair color.
- Now to start creating the braid that will be acting as a headband. Take two sections of hair, from behind your ears, and braid them regular, all the way down and secure them with an elastic.
- Bring them up and over the top of your head to create a headband. Secure the ends with bobby pins, so the elastics are no longer visible.
- Taking the rest of your hair that is down, begin twisting it into one tight wrap. Now begin the same steps of twisting the hair into a bun shape and pinning it with bobby pins as you go. But this time, create the bun in the shape of a doughnut. The hair that you first tied back, will show through the middle of the bun.
- Continue pinning the bun into place until you reach the ends of your hair, and hide the tips of your hair.
- For a finishing touch, if you have a green ribbon, or really any ribbon, you can secure it to a clip and stick it to the bottom of the bun.
- A little hairspray and you'll be on your way to looking just like a princess!